1st Meghalaya Police Battalion, Mawiong, Shillong

About us

The 1st MLP Battalion was originally the 7th A.P. Bn. of the erstwhile composite State of Assam which was converted into the 1st MLP Bn. on 01.5.72 after the creation of the State of Meghalaya.

The 1st MLP Bn. was formerly located at Bishnupur, Shillong and later on shifted to it's present location at Mawiong, on 7th April 1981. With the shifting of the Bn. to the present location, various facilities have been provided to the Bn. personnel, namely:-

  • Construction of 20 bedded Hospital with 2 Doctors, 2 Nurses, 1-Dhai and 24 Nursing Halviders.
  • The Hospital besides treating the force personnel and their family members is also catering to the health needs of local residents in times of emergency.
  • A Private L.P. M.E. School for the benefit of the children of Bn. personnel was established in 1974 at Bishnupur and later on shifted to the present location in 1985. Class VII to X were introduced in the year 1998. Presently, there are 275 Students in L.P. Section and 65 in M.E. Section with 6 teachers’ salary being paid by the Education Department and salary of another 6 teachers being paid from the Private Fund of the Unit.
  • Welfare Canteen :- The Welfare canteen was established on 14.11.1988 with a view to providing grocery and other essential commodities to the Bn. personnel and their family members on credit basis.
  • With the help of the Director of Supply and D.C. Supply a Govt. Fair Price Shop was also set up for the family members of the Bn. personnel who are not entitled to Govt. ration.
  • An S. K. Oil Storage and Depot were also established in 1989 under the license from D.C Supply, Shillong for supplying K. Oil not only to Bn. personnel but also to the other Police personnel of E.K. Hills and ministerial staff of the D.G.P. Office, Shillong.
  • Through the Indian Oil Corporation, an L.P.G. Agency was opened in the same year for the benefit of the Bn. personnel and their family members.
  • Sincere efforts are being made by Police Headquarters to provide family quarters to Bn. personnel under Police Housing scheme. Till date, MGCC has constructed 7 (seven) Nos of G.Os’ Quarters, 30 (thirty) units of U.S. Quarters and 188 units of L.S. quarters.
  • This unit has also been functioning as a Training Centre all along and 29 Batches of Recruits have passed out from this Training Centre till date. The present batch comprising a total of 196 Recruits from various units will also be passing out shortly. Various promotion / Cadre Courses from Constable to ABI are also conducted in this Training Centre. Besides the Re-Orientation Course from ASI to Inspectors, Special Courses on WT / PSO / CIC and Tear Smoke Courses, etc. are also conducted. However, this Training Centre is yet to be recognized.
  • Although this unit is facing various constraints due to shortage of man power, yet a football team comprising of 20 men had been selected as a football team which had also participated in the Mullik Tournament in December, 02 at Dergaon, Assam.
  • Besides providing work force for construction and renovation of buildings, etc. from out of unit fund, the men are also pressed into service for rescue operations in times of natural calamities. Recently, the officers and men of this unit were pressed into service during the floods at Polo ground and its adjacent areas, for relief operation.
  • Besides the general duty platoon, this Battalion has a Pipe Band platoon comprising 1-ABI , 2-ABSI, 3-Havs, 4-Nks and 28 Constables. The Band is being used during the Republic Day and Independence Day functions as well as during other official functions.
  • The Central Workshop at Bishnupur is also manned by the staff of 1st MLP Bn. with one Asstt. Comdt. who is directly supervising the repair and maintenance work of Police and Govt. Vehicles and at the same time imparting Training in driving and repairing works of vehicles to the Police drivers and mechanics.
  • This unit has a Firing Range which is used both for small arms and other weapons. The other units besides the CRPF and Home Guards are also using this Firing Range for range firing practice.

Total Area
The total area of the Battalion Campus as per the Survey Map conducted by the Directorate of Land Records and Survey Govt. of Meghalaya is 165.8 Acres more or less.

THE GAZETTE OF MEGHALAYA PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Shillong, Saturday, January 11, 1975 , Part VA

The 20th December 1974 Notification No.RDA.204/74/87 – It is hereby notified that land within the boundaries described below, measuring more or less 165.8 acres in village Mawiong, Subdivision Shillong in the District of Khasi Hills, is likely to be needed for a public purpose, viz., for the Establishment of Headquarters of the 1st Meghalaya Police Battalion.

North :- Land of Kharbuli Clan
South :- Gauhati- Shillong Road
East :- Umjapung Stream, Thawmuid’s land and unmetalled Road.
West :- Umjapung Stream, Nengnong’s land and Jeepable Road .

This notification is made under the provisions of Section 4 of Act of 1894, as amended by Act XXXVIII of 1923 to all whom it may concern.

Objections to the acquisition, if any, filed under Section 5A by any person interested within the meaning of that section on or before the 20th January 1975 or within 30 days from the date of publication in the Gazette whichever is later before the Collector/Deputy Commissioner of Khasi Hills will be considered.

Government are pleased to authorize the officers for the time being engaged in the undertaking with their servants and workmen to enter upon the survey the land and do all other acts required or permitted by sub-section (2) of Section 4 of the Act.

In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 17 (4) of the Act, Government have decided that in view of the urgency of the project, the provisions of Section 5A of the Act shall not apply to (waste or arable land).

No.14 Shillong, Saturday, April 5, 1975 , 15th Chaitra, 1987 S.E.

The 26th March 1975

No.RDA.204/72/106 - Whereas it appears to the Government of Meghalaya that land is required to be taken by Government at the Public expenses for the establishment of Headquarters of the 1st Meghalaya Police Battalion in the village of Mawiong, zilla Khasi Hills, is hereby declared that for the above purpose land measuring more or less 165.8 acres of standard measurement, bounded on the –

North :- Land of Kharbuli Clan
South :- Gauhati- Shillong Road
East :- Umjapung Stream, Thawmuid’s land and unmetalled Road.
West :- Nengnong’s land, Jeepable Road and Umjapung Stream,is required within the aforesaid village of Mawiong.

This declaration is made, under the provisions of Section 6 of Act I of 1894, to all whom it may concern.

A plan of the land may be inspected in the office of Deputy Commissioner/Collector, Khasi Hills District.

Nothing in this declaration will be considered to apply to land which is resumable for the said purpose under the terms of the lease and which Government elect to resume instead of acquiring under the Act.

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