Use devices like steering locks and side-locks for extra protection.
Park vehicles in covered garages as far as possible.
Do not lend your vehicle to strangers.
Get your Car's registration number etched onto the front and rear window screen and all four window panes so that if it is stolen, this etching will help the Police in tracing the car.
Keep your driving license in original with you. Photocopy of the registration certificate will suffice.
As far as possible, the car should not be left unattended.
Authorities can detain a vehicle in the following circumstances :
vehicle being driven by an individual without valid driving license
vehicle being driven without registration
transport vehicle being driven without permit
vehicle being driven without payment of tax
All the police officers have been clearly told not to stop the motorists merely for checking the documents. Only when the motorist has committed some traffic violations, he can be stopped, documents checked and penalized for non-possession. There are strict instructions against police men stopping the vehicles unless you commit some traffic violation.
There is no spot fine for drunken driving. In each of the drunken driving case, police notice is issued asking the person to appear before the court. Only court is empowered to impose the fine.
If you fail to appear in court, warrant will be issued from the court. This may lead to arrest and stiffer penalty.
If any driver being booked for drunken driving can not continue to drive. He will have to arrange for an alternate driver who is not drunk or take a cab leaving the vehicle in the police station which will be released after you have settled the case in the court.
About pollution check : It is mandatory to carry emission certificate. However, police have been instructed not to stop any motorists for merely checking emission certificate.
Police is not authorized to penalize any one for out Station number plates. This is not the mandate for police.
Why have I received a violation ticket for the vehicle I have already sold?
Notices are generated by computers picking up address from transport department records. The very fact you have received a notice means that vehicle continues to be on your name in the records even though you might have sold it. Selling the vehicle without insisting on change of ownership is a very dangerous practice. Signing a delivery note is no guarantee of change of ownership. You have to insist on buyer registering the vehicle in his name, failing which you have to get it done yourself at RTO. Unless you do so, you will continue to receive violation notices. Still worse can happen if the vehicle is involved in a fatal accident or terrorist activity. You will have to suffer the consequences.
My vehicle got damaged in an accident. Police did not help me in getting compensation!
Insurance company and not the police can get you the damages. Police will only prosecute the accused for criminal negligence in the court of law.
Among traffic officers, who is authorized to give a spot fine notice?
Traffic officers of and above the rank of Sub-Inspector are authorised to give away traffic violation challans or notices, which are for spot fines. Officers of the rank of Sub-inspector (two-star), Inspector (three-star) are authorised to collect spot fines. Any officer below the rank of SI, which comprises constables and head constables, can only note down the nature of violation and vehicle number, and submit the information to the traffic enforcement automation centre. Notices will then be issued from the centre. The violator will have to pay the fine at the jurisdictional police station. Traffic constables are not authorised to collect money as they do not carry receipt books. The motorist may lodge a complaint if any officer below the rank of SI collects money from him.
When stopped for a traffic violation, why do traffic cops move ignition key?
It is not a good practice and we do not approve of it. However, let us not forget that large number of violators try to run away when detained by traffic police; some even endangering life of policemen while trying to run over them. You are certainly not the one like them but many others are.
A driver hit and drove away damaging my vehicle. How do I claim insurance?
In case of minor damage and you want to take claim from your own insurance because you have not noted the number of other vehicle or you don't want to persue it, go to the police station, ask for a GD entry and acknowledgement and it will help you in claiming insurance. In case you want other's insurance to pay for the repairs, get FIR and after the case is charge sheeted, file a claim. But in this case the number of the other vehicle should be known.