The Bureau will perform the following functions :-
Advising and guiding the local Police in the investigation of Juvenile crime when necessary.
Guiding the local Police in the enforcement of social legislations pertaining to Juvenile delinquency.
Coordinating the efforts of the local police in dealing with the cases of pre-delinquents and delinquents, socially handicapped Juvenile and victimized children.
Co-ordinating the work of the various juvenile aid police units or similar organizations throughout the State.
Keeping liaison with the Social Welfare Institutions (Government, quasi-Government and Private) and devising ways and means for the prevention of juvenile delinquency).
Taking up study of subjects concerned with juvenile delinquency as per directions of the Government or the Director General & Inspector General of Police.
Dealing with matters relating to the kidnapping and maiming of children for the purpose of begging.