District Crime Records Bureau
- In the three tier system of Crime Records Bureau recommended by the National Police Commission for Crime Records management, the District Crime Records Bureaux form the foundation upon which the entire edifice of the State Crime Records Bureaux and the National Crime Records Bureau is to be built. This district level crime records handling unit will have the responsibility of collecting the relevant information/ data on crime and criminals from the basis units of Police Administration i.e. the Police Stations. The DCRBX will also have the responsibility of ensuring that the records pertaining to crime and criminals are created and maintained correctly at the Police Stations and the needed data/ statistical information are sent regularly to the SCRBX. Since majority of the crimes is either of inter-district or of inter-district nature, proper maintenance of crime records and data by the DCRBX cannot be over emphasized.
- Having regard to the fact that the DCRBX will be the fulcrum of activities with respect to the Crime Records Management, the organizational and staffing pattern for these units will have to be streamlined under and an integral approach. Since crime statistics will become a by product of the new system, no separate efforts will be required for compiling the statistics. The functions of the Computer Section, the Crime Branch and Finger Print Section will be inter-connected. The DCRBX will also have a major role to play in closely supervising and monitoring the maintenance of crime records at the Police Stations. Another major advantage in having a well organized, DCRBX will be greater coordination between Police Stations within the district and inter-district coordination in crime investigations and other related activities of the Criminal Justice Administration.
- The DCRBX will consist of the Computer Centre, the Crime Branch and the Finger Print Section.
- The DCRBX will be headed by a full time officer whose exclusive responsibility would be the management of the various sections comprising the DCRBX. The staff posted to the DCRBX should be under the administrative and disciplinary control of the District S.P. The Director of the SCRBX will, however, exercise supervisory powers over them and he will be the reviewing authority for their confidential reports. The DCRB will be headed by an officer of the rank of Inspector.
The functions of the constituent units of the District Crime Records Bureaux are described below :-
I. Crime Team -
- To visit scene of Crime for collection of scientific evidence.
- To develop and lift chance prints.
- To photograph chance prints.
- To photograph scene of crime from different possible angles.
- To pack the scientific evidence as per the norms of F.S.L.
II. Police Computer Centre
The function of Police Computer Centre will he as follow :-
- Administrative arrangement for running of the computer centre and making provision for the stores. To run day to day activities like computer stationery, computer compatible media, printer ribbons, etc., furniture, fire protection equipments, maintenance of computer system and environment control.
- Ensuring data quality, integrity and security.
- Receiving computer input forms from crime branch and transcription of data and verification on computer compatible media.
- Threshold of data for upward transmission to State Crime Records Bureau and National Crime Recorded Bureau.
- Ensuring division of computer files and backup management.
- Management of manpower for operation of computer center i.e. to process data/ queries.
- Proper editing of the retrieved information.
- To send the error list to the Crime Branch/ concerned Police Stations/ Investigating Agencies.
- Ensuring receipt of error list from the Crime Branch/ concerned Police Stations/ Investigating agencies after necessary corrections.
- Ensuring document and media management.
- To coordinated with the Crime Branch for getting the Integrated Police Forms in time.
- To send back the computer output to the Crime Branch after proper checking.
- To communicated periodical and day to day requirements of computer to the senior officers.
- To inform the day to day computer performance to the senior officer.
- Supervision of maintenance of computer A.C., power, fire protection and liaison with maintenance agencies.
- Maintenance of tape library and documents of all the systems operational at the Computer Centre.
- Proper record of all the queries received processed and handed over to Crime Branch for further transmission.
- To check up and control the data to be sent to the State Crime Records Bureau.
- To maintain machine log book showing machine uses and repair/ maintenance.
- To prepare monthly report of job and machines performances
III. Crime Branch –
The function of Crime Branch will be as follows :-
- To liaise with the Police Stations for getting fresh/ updated information, on Integrated Police Forms, getting queries from I/Os and pass them on to Computer Centre. Get back Computer outputs and send them back to I/Os after checking against dossier/ natural records.
- To arrange training on Integrated Police Forms filling.
- Sending back error lists to the concerned Police Stations.
- Ensuring receipt of corrected error lists from Police Stations.
- Receipt of query outputs from the Computer Section and verify these with the dossiers maintained manually at DCRBX before sending the outputs to the user.
- To get and prepare the statistical statements from Computers and verify the same.
- Maintenance and updation of dossiers.
- Issue of queries to computer centre and receive back the outputs.
- To make proper co-ordination with the Computer Centre.
- Manual documentation of Crime Records/ Dossiers.
- To manage data flow between DCRB and SCRB.
- Maintenance of rogues’ gallery.
- Maintenance of active Criminal’s list.
- Dossiers of important and dangerous criminals.
- Preparation of mandatory statistical statements and reports.
- To arrange training on Integrated Police Forms filling.
- To arrange training for the benefits of the I/Os for feeding queries to the Computers.
IV. Finger Print Section :-
The functions of the Finger Prints Section will be :-
- Maintenance of single digit finger prints.
- Codification of Finger Print Slips.
- Codification of Finger Prints Record Slips.
- Lifting of Finger Prints from the scene of Crime.
- Matching Finger Print Slips manually or using Computers and sending the replies to queries.
- Answering queries in regard to identification/ change prints using 40 digit code from the Computer.
State Crime Records Bureau –
The functions of the constituent units of the State Crime Records Brueaux are described below :-
(i) Computer Centre :
- Same as that of Computer cell at DCRB.
- To design and develop application software as required by SCRB and DCRB.
- To modify the existing application software as required by SCRB.
- To coordinate with the agencies identified for the purpose of Computer networking.
- To coordinate with DCRB for the purpose of data and queries.
(ii) Training Wing :
The Wing will impart training to the personnel posted in DCRBx and SCRB on application and system software.
(iii) F.P.B. :
- Same as functions of F.P. Cell at DCRB.
- Maintenance of 10 digit finger print records.
- Examination of finger prints on the questioned documents.
- To give expert evidence in courts.
- Research, development and training.
The F.P.B. will form part of SCRB. The In-charge of the Bureau is responsible for the general management, supervision, maintenance of discipline and efficient working of the Bureau.
Duties of the Finger Print Experts – The experts will attend to the following duties –
- Examination of documents and chance prints.
- Evidence in Courts.
- Testing of F.P. Slips for records.
- Classification and testing of Single Digit Cards.
- Visit the scene of crime.
- All correspondence pertaining to their section work.
Duties of Searchers – The searchers will attend to the following duties –
- Searching of Finger Print Slips.
- Classification of Finger Print Slips.
- Indexing of Finger Print Slips.
Functions of the F.P.B.
The provisions contained in the Part IV of the Assam Police Manual will govern the functioning of the F.P.B.
The following broad areas of information service are identified in respect of crimes and criminals for computerization :-
- Provide information in respect of criminals having past arrest on conviction record.
- Linking of crimes and criminals on the basis of modus-operandi.
- Identification of criminals on the basis of name, parentage, physical features and finger prints.
- Furnish list of associates, relatives of suspects/ criminals.
- Furnish information as to whether an arrested person is wanted in other cases.
- Disseminate information about persons wanted by Police/ Court.
- Linking of missing persons with unidentified dead bodies arrested persons on otherwise unidentified recovered persons.
- Store and disseminate district-wise series of registration numbers of motor vehicles registered all over the State.
- Co-ordinate numbered and identifiable properties, particularly automobiles, fire-arms and cultural properties.
- Linking of recovery/ seizure of counterfeit currency notes at various places in the State.
- Collect and process crime statistics and furnish information of statistical use.
Computerized Data Bank :
The data banks to be created and maintained, inter-alia, will consist of the following information’s :-
- Particulars and peculiar features of heinous or inter-District type of crimes.
- Particulars of Criminals suspected/ arrested/ charge-sheeted/ convicted/ acquitted/ discharged in inter-District type of crimes.
- Particulars of all wanted persons.
- Particulars of general property involved in such crimes.
- Particulars of lost and recovered automobiles.
- Particulars of receivers of stolen property.
- Particulars of lost and recovered factory made/ licensed fire-arms.
- Numbered property valued at Rs.10,000 and above (other than automobiles and fire-arms).
- Particulars of lost and recovered cultural properties.
- Particulars of counterfeit currency notes.
- Particulars of seized, detected narcotic drugs.
- Photographs and finger prints of criminals involved in inter-district crimes.
- Selected fire arms licenses.
- Arms/ ammunitions acquired and sold by arm dealers.
- Data bank on drug trafficking and other cases under the NDPS Act.
- Data Bank on economic offenders and offence.
The inter District and heinous type of Crimes :
This will include the following cases :-
- Offences under Acts relating to terrorism.
- Narcotics/ Drug trafficking.
- Murder.
- Dacoity.
- Robbery.
- Burglary.
- Theft.
- Cheating/ Fraud.
- Offences relating to documents.
- Counterfeiting currency notes/ coins
- Criminal Breach of Trust.
- Receivers of stolen property.
- Gang cases files.
- Inciting communal disharmony.
- Economic Offences.
- Kidnapping/ Abduction
- Arms/ Explosive/ Explosives substance Act.
- Crimes using explosives.
- Recovery of illegal arms and ammunitions.
- Escapes from custody.