This Photograph belongs to Shri Bijoy Kumar Roy
Father's name : (L) Shri Sunil Kumar Roy ; Wife's name : Smti Bhaguna Roy
Age : 39 Years ; Complexion : Swarthy ; Height : 5ft. 6 inch ; Face : Long ; Identification Mark: Moustache and French-cut-Beard
Language spoken: Bengali, Assamese, Hindi, English
Occupation : Business in mobile phones
Modus operandi: Cheating persons by asking loans and thereafter absconding
Religion: Hindu
Address : Present: Laban Last Stop, Shillong. Previous: Rynjah, Umpling, Plot No. 197, R&R Colony, Shillong.
Permanent : Thangal Bazar, Dryfish Market, Imphal East, Manipur
Any person having knowledge of whereabouts of above named wanted accused may kindly inform the Officers In-Charge of Laban PS Phone No.+91-364-2223168, Shillong Sadar PS Phone No. +91-364-2224400 or Police Control Room Phone No. +91-364-2222277. The identity of the informant will be kept confidential.