Staff Selection : Tenure, Training
Security Arrangements :
Letters from this section should be issued in accordance with the usual security precautions.
Identity Cards :- When an Officer or a member of the subordinate executive staff is posted to the CID, he or she will be issued an identity card duly attested by the Dy. Inspector General of Police, CID.
Staff to carry Cards :- The Officers and men of the CID, will always carry their identity cards with them whenever and wherever they may be on duty. Loss of identity cards will be viewed seriously.
NO. POL.128/2001/3 Dated Shillong, the 19th July,2001
From : Shri. G.P. Wahlang, IAS
Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt.
of Meghalaya, Political etc.Deptts
To : 1. All Principal Secretaries/Commissioner & Secretaries/Secretaries
2. All Heads of Departments.
3. All Deputy Commissioners.
Ref : This Department Letter No.POL.547/75/174 Dated 21st July, 1976.
I am directed to state that corruption in State Government Departments and Government Undertakings have been reported from time to time in the media or through various complaints, petitions etc. Some cases have been allowed by various Departments to develop into scandal; since no proper enquiry or investigation is done in time. It is therefore, necessary to stop this tendency forthwith.
For this purpose, the State Anti-Corruption Branch under the control of the Chief Secretary as the State Vigilance Commissioner has been functioning in the Political Department. All complaints of corruption, misconduct etc. of public servants which required investigation by the State Anti-Corruption Branch should be referred to the State Vigilance Commissioner by all concerned Departments/ Officers. On the order by the State Vigilance Commissioner, the cases/ complaints etc. will be enquired into by the Anti-Corruption Branch of the State police Department under the over-all supervision by the Inspector General of Police (CID). All enquiries/ reports by the Anti-Corruption Branch of the State Police will be submitted by the Inspector General of Police (CID) to the State Vigilance Commissioner for further necessary action.
All concerned may please be instructed accordingly.
Yours faithfully,
Sd/- Shri. G.P.Wahlang, IAS
Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt.
of Meghalaya, Political etc. Department.
Memo No.POL.128/2001/3-A Dated Shillong the 19th July, 2001
Copy forwarded to :-
1. P.S. to Chief Secretary for information
2. P.S. to Director General of Police, Meghalaya, for information
3. Inspector General of Police, (CID) Meghalaya, Shillong for information and necessary action
4. Dy. Inspector General of Police, (AC) Meghalaya Shillong for information and necessary action.
Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt.
of Meghalaya, Political etc. Department.