The main functions of the Section will be :-
- Preparation and Publication of Monthly C.I.G.
- Dealing with correspondences pertaining to material for publication I the Gazette.
- Scrutinizing Gazettes received from other States and publishing in the Gazette portions thereof which have relevance to the State.
- Circulating the Criminal Intelligence Gazettes of other States;
- Maintaining files of Gazettes up-to-date;
- Taking steps in respect of information about missing persons received in the Section.
- The Criminal Intelligence Gazette will be divided into the following parts :-
Look-out Notices
- Persons wanted in specific cases.
- Foreigners wanted for crime, deportation, etc.
- Persons arrested who may be wanted else-where.
- Untraced habitual offenders.
(such notice should be published once in respects of such criminals and would be repeated only when necessary).
- Deserters.
- Unidentified Corpses.
- Persons missing,
Photos will be published with description and other particulars (detachable).
- Missing persons recovered.
Importance Active Criminals (detachable).
- Identifiable property, lost, stolen or seized on suspicion including motor cars and motor cycles.
- Thefts, loss or recovery or fire-arm and ammunition and explosives.
Crime Statistics
- Dacoity
- Cases of cheating
- Other important cases of inter-state or inter-district interest.
- Monthly Crime/ Dacoity Review.
- Monthly Statement of Counterfeit coins.
- Monthly Statement of Forged Notes.
Interesting detection with scientific aids to investigation and cases with peculiar modus-operandi (detachable)
Law Appendix (Detachable)
(Important rulings in Criminal Cases need only be published)
Instructions regarding furnishing materials for C.I.G. and its publication :-
- The prescribed forms shall be used and only side of the paper shall written on.
- Separate sheets of paper shall be used for separate subjects, and they shall bear the name of the district sending them, and the word, “for insertion in the Criminal Intelligence Gazette”.
- Proper names shall be clearly and legibly written.
- Personal descriptions should be sufficiently clear so as to lead to the identification of the individual.
- No forwarding memorandum shall be used.
- Matter for publication in the Criminal Intelligence Gazette should be of as recent a date as possible, otherwise the publication will be of little or no use. Superintendents of Police will, therefore, see that all information for publication is submitted as early as possible.
- Foreigners and Strangers :- Foreigners and Strangers who do not give a satisfactory account of themselves and whose actions and movements give rise to suspicion should be watched and their movements reported.
- Suspicious and bad characters :- The roll of notorious convicts or bad characters who are suspected to have left their native districts for the purpose of committing crime should be sent for publication in the Criminal Intelligence Gazette, in the prescribed forms.
- Gang Intelligence :- Gang statement in the prescribed form shall be submitted by the Superintendent of Police of all wandering gangs present in their districts.
- Property lost or stolen :- If there is reason to suspect that property lost or stolen has left the district, notice should be sent for publication in the Criminal Intelligence Gazette. Lists of property not capable of identification should not be sent for publication.
- Persons wanted by the Police :- The roll of persons who have absconded after committing any serious crime or who are otherwise wanted by the Police should be sent for publication in the Criminal Intelligence Gazette.
- Arms and Ammunition :- Lost and theft of fire-arms will be reported to the Criminal Investigation Department. The Criminal Investigation Department will publish details regarding them in the Criminal Intelligence Gazette, Recoveries should also be notified.
- The Criminal Investigation Department will publish in the Criminal Intelligence Gazette a precis of cases having special features.
- Extracts from other Gazette :- the Criminal Investigation Department will receive the Criminal Intelligence Gazette of the other States from which extracts of interesting subject or matters relating to this State as also interesting ruling of the High Courts having bearing on important points of law, will be published in the Criminal Intelligence Gazette.
The Gazette will be issued monthly under the signature o the Special Superintendent of Police, CID and will be available for the perusal of all ranks of the Police and its contents are for Departmental and not for public information.
The contents of the Criminal Intelligence Gazette must be carefully studied by all Police Officers who know English. Officers in charge of Police Stations and Out posts will be held responsible for explaining to such of their subordinates as do not know English all portions of the Gazette which concern them. Superintendent of Police should mark these portions of the Gazette to draw the attention of their subordinate.
Superintendent of Police will take the opportunity when inspecting Police Stations to see whether the Officers have studied the Gazette and have kept their subordinates informed of its contents.