Miss Bamelari Diengdoh lodged a complaint that on Jan 7, 2025 between 10.30 am and 11.30 am, one Beepin Yadav collected a document belonging to one Shri Anfan Banbiang Sing Syiem from Tynring BPO (EKH). However, on Feb 5, relatives of Shri Anfan Banbiang Sing Syiem informed the complainant (over phone) that they have not received the said document.
Authority of PMC Hq., 101 Area, Officers’ Mess, Shillong lodged a complaint that on Feb 17, unknown miscreant(s) broke into the Officers’ Quarter at 101 Area, Upper Shillong and stole (1) two Jaguar Basin Mixer and (2) one Jaguar Jet Spray total valued around Rs. 11,525/-.
Smt. Zilekha Khatun lodged a complaint that one John Barman of Bongaigaon, Assam, who was engaged in stone boulder business, purchased tyres for his dumper trucks and also repaired tyres of his dumper trucks in her shop. However, recently she learnt the named person has shifted his vehicles to Bongaigaon, Assam, without clearing her dues amounting to Rs. 1,45,750/-.
Shri Lakhan Rishi of Rishipara, Tura (WGH) lodged a complaint against one Nikesh Lohar for failing to pay Rs. 10,040/-, being the amount of poultry supplied to him in the year 2024.
Smt. Prentina Marak lodged a complaint that on Feb 19 around 6 am, she learnt that unknown miscreant(s) broke into her rice mill at Chandigre village (WGH) and stole 243 bags of rice (50 kg per bag) total valued around Rs. 4,14,300/-.
A complaint was lodged at Gasuapara PS (SGH) that on Feb 11, the complainant had downloaded one app ‘Candy Cash’, applied for a loan of Rs. 2,246/- and also submitted his particulars / details. On Feb 18, he received and annoymous Whatsapp call, wherein the caller asked him to pay Rs. 3,747/-, failing which the caller threatened the complinant of sending his edited / morphed nude pictures to his wife and sister.
On Feb 19 around 4.30 pm, acting on inputs, Police apprehended three Bangladeshi nationals viz., (1) Md. Hassan Ali (40 yrs), (2) Md. Nassir Uddin Mia (43 yrs) and (3) Md. Milton Mollick (50 yrs) from Silkona (SWGH) and also recovered / seized (1) three Aadhaar cards, (2) two suspected fake PAN cards, (3) three mobile phones and (4) cash Rs. 1,610/- (INR) from their possession.