- Government of Meghalaya have vide Notification No.HPL.181/92/8 dated the 2nd February, 1994 declared CID (HQrs) as a P.S. under clause (5) of Section 2 of the Cr.P.C. 1973 having its jurisdiction throughout the State of Meghalaya.
Spl. Superintendent of Police, CID, Meghalaya, Shillong will function as the Officer-in-Charge of the said P.S. and will in this capacity, perform all duties and responsibilities of an O/C of a P.S. as laid down in the Cr.P.C., with regard to the cases registered in the said P.S.
- The CID (HQrs) P.S. will take up the following categories of cases for investigation :-
- Cases of counterfeit currency notes and coins of a serious and sensational nature or having inter-district or inter-state ramifications.
- Cases of embezzlement, fraud, forgery, defalcation or falsification o accounts involving a large sums or having wide ramifications or having inter-district or inter-state ramifications.
- Cases of criminal breach of trust or cheating of very serious or complicated nature or having inter-district or inter-state ramifications.
- Any case of sensational nature which has evoked general public interest.
- Cases of murder, dacoit, robbery or kidnapping and abduction which are of a sensational nature and have aroused considerable public interest or outery.
- Cases of exceptional difficulty or importance.
- Organized crime committed by professional criminals extending over two or more districts.
- Cases of very technical or complicated or serious nature which in the opinion of the State Government, the Director General and Inspector General of Police could call for the service of CID investigator.
- The CID (HQr) P.S. will have concurrent jurisdiction to investigate cases that fall within the aforementioned categories with the P.S. within those territorial jurisdiction the offence has been committed.
- Following procedure will be followed for registration and investigation of cases in the CID (HQr) P.S. :-
- In case of the offences falling within the aforementioned categories, committed within the territorial jurisdiction of P.Ss. outside Shillong, the P.S. concerned will register the case as soon as the case is reported.
- Superintendent of Police of the District concerned will immediately thereafter furnish details of such cases by W/T to the Dy. Inspector General of Police, CID.
- The Dy. Inspector General of Police, CID will then obtain orders of Director General and Inspector General of Police through Inspector General of Police, CID as to whether the case should be transferred to the CID (HQr) P.S. in which case, the Spl. Superintendent of Police, CID, will issue orders to this effect accordingly.
- The Superintendent of Police of the District concerned may in some cases, considering the gravity of the offence or other relevant aspects, inform the Dy. Inspector General of Police, CID or the Spl. Superintendent of police, CID, over telephone about the same soon after the case is reported. IN such cases, the Dy. Inspector General of Police, CID may obtain orders of the Director General and Inspector General of Police through the Inspector General of Police, CID on the basis of such telephonic communication for transferring case to the CID (HQr) P.S.
- As regards the P.Ss in the East Khasi Hills, D.E.F., the following procedure will be followed :-
- When such an offence is reported at any P.S., outside Shillong, the case will be registered in the P.S. concerned. The Superintendent of Police, East Khasi Hills, will then furnish details of the same urgently to the Dy. Inspector General of Police, CID or to the Spl. Superintendent of Police, CID. The Dy. Inspector General of Police, CID will then obtain orders of the Director General and Inspector General of Police through the Inspector General of Police, CID as to whether the case should be transferred to CID (HQr) P.S.
- In case such an offence is reported at one of the P.Ss located in Shillong, before registration of the case in the P.S. concerned, the Superintendent of Police, East Khasi Hills will furnish details of the same to the Dy. Inspector General of Police, CID or Spl. Superintendent of Police, CID over telephone or personally. The Dy. Inspector General of Police, CID will then discuss the same with the Inspector General of Police, CID and the Director General and Inspector General of Police and if the Director General & Inspector General of Police so desires, the case will then be straight away registered in the CID (HQr) P.S. The Spl. Superintendent of Police, CID will then ask the Superintendent of Police, East Khasi Hills to advise the complainant to appear in the CID (HQr) P.S. for registering case.
- The Director General & Inspector General of Police may, either on direction from the State Government or on hearing about such a case in any part of the State, without waiting for any formal communication from the CID or from the Superintendent of Police concerned, order on his own that a case of registered in the CID(HQr) P.S. After the Director General & Inspector General of Police has to passed the orders, if the case already been registered in the P.S. concerned, the case will be transferred to the CID (HQr)P.S. If the case has not been so registered the same will be registered in the CID (HQr P.S. on receipt of the F.I.R.
- After the case is so registered in the CID(HQr) P.S. the same will be endorsed for investigation to an officer of the above the rank of an Inspector serving in CID who will exercise jurisdiction all over the State, if so required, during the course of investigation. The investigating Officer of the CID may be assisted by one or more Assistant Investigating Officers of the rank of Sub-Inspector or Asstt. Sub-Inspector as per decision of the O/C of CID (HQr) P.S.
- All the District Superintendent of Police will render all necessary assistance to the Investigating Officers of the CID in investigating the cases, whenever they approach the District Superintendents of Police for any assistance in this regard.
- In all cases registered in the CID (HQr) P.S., till such time as the CID P.S. does not have a lock up and interrogation room of its own, the same available in the Shillong P.S. will be made use of by the CID (HQr) P.S.
- The Investigating Officers of the CID will maintain a record of the investigation done, on each day in the Case Diary. They will submit pies of the C.D. on every day of investigation to the Spl. Superintendent of Police, CID through the Dy. Superintendent of Police, CID. The Spl. Superintendent of Police, CID will then peruse them and issue necessary instructions to the I/O while recording a gist of its contents in the running Note-sheet of the relevant file, which should then be shown to the Dy. Inspector General of Police, CID along with a copy of the instructions issued.
- After the registration of the case in the CID (HQr) P.S. till submission of the Final Form, the I/O will submit Progress Report on the case in the prescribed format once a fortnight. Apart from other details, details of progress made in the investigation during the fortnight in question will be specifically mentioned. This report will be submitted even if there has been no progress in the investigating during the fortnight, stating reasons for the same. the P.Rs of all the cases will be put up to the Director General & Inspector General of Police through the proper channel in single file system with comments of Inspector General of Police, CID, Dy. Inspector General of Police, CID, Superintendent of Police, CID and thereafter instruction will be communicated to the I/O by the Spl. Superintendent of Police, CID for necessary action.
- The Progress Report will contain clear, connected and continuous record of the progress investigation with particular reference to the evidence collected, both oral and documentary.
- After the investigation has been completed, the I/O will submit the Final P.R. on the case in the prescribed format.
- The Spl. Superintendent of Police, CID will then obtain the comments of a lawyer attached with the CID on the Final P.R. and put up the same to the Dy. Inspector General of Police, CID with his own comments.
- The Dy. Inspector General of Police, CID will then obtain the Director General & Inspector General of Police’s order on the Final P.R. through the Inspector General of Police, CID and then the Final Form in the case will be submitted by the I/O through the Spl. Superintendent of Police, CID as may be ordered by the Director General & Inspector General of Police. The orders of the Director General & Inspector General of Police, will be final and shall be treated as order of CID and not of any particular officer.
Weekly Diaries / Summaries :- Every Field Officer of the CID will submit every week copies of the case Diaries/ Summaries of the work done by him during the week and also his weekly diary to the Dy. Inspector General of Police, CID through the Dy. Superintendent of Police, CID, and Spl. Superintendent of Police, CID.
Supervision of Cases/ Enquiries :- The Spl. Superintendent of Police, CID, and Dy. Inspector General of Police, CID will closely supervise the investigations of enquiries taken up by the CID and issue supervision notes. They will always remain in close touch with the development of every case taken up by CID and will, wherever necessary, visit the scene of crime and generally guide the field officers till the investigation or enquiry is completed.
Tours outside the State :- Field Officers will seek prior permission of the Inspector General of Police, CID if it becomes necessary for them to visit places outside the State in connection with investigation or enquiries being conducted by them. Inspector General of Police, CID will follow the normal procedures for getting clearance for tours outside the State.