Never lend your mobile phone to others and never leave it unattended, treat it like your own wallet/purse.
Lock your computer when you are away from console.
Always protect your computers, pen drives, smart phones and other portable devices by using strong passwords.
Use at least 8 characters (in combination of alphanumerical and special character) in your pass word.
Change your password frequently / periodically.
Refuse friend request on your facebook account from unknown entities / strangers. Don’t meet up with people you have met online. If someone asks to meet you, tell your parents or guardian right away. Remember that not everyone online is who they say they are.
Keep all installed software up to date.
Use pendrives cautiously.
Backup important files/data on a regular basis on a CD/DVD/external Hard Disk.
Disable Bluetooth when you are not using it.
Disconnect your computer / smart phones from the Internet when you are not using it.
Always use updated anti-virus, Operating System and applications and browser.
Verify those you correspond with. It is easy for people to fake identities over the Internet.
Avoid using services that requires location information.
Downloading free softwares with care and caution as these may contain malware. Remember that things on the internet are rarely free. “Free” Screensavers, etc. generally contain Malware.
The Wi-Fi should be kept in turned-off mode. Turn off other applications which are not needed.
During repairs, do not leave the smart phone unattended to deny the possibility of installation of malware.
If the battery gets unusually discharged very fast or device gets heated up without any user activity, then it is very likely some malicious traffic is consuming battery.
When device is idle, it should get locked and require a password/ pin of swipe pattern. Set the device to lock in relatively short time.
Always use high security settings on social networking sites, and be very limited in the personal information you share. Think carefully before posting pictures or videos of yourself. Once you’ve put a picture of yourself online most people can see it and may be able to download it, its not just yours anymore.
Avoid accessing your personal accounts from public computers / other’s smart phones or through public Wi-Fi spots.
Auto save of password should not be enabled.
Make a habit of clearing history from the browser after each log out session.
Delete windows “Temp” and temporary internet files regularly.
Avoid all cloud services (Dropbox, iCloud, Evernote, etc) that are based outside India.
Always set automatic updates for operating system, Anti-Virus and applications. (My computer-properties- automatic updates- select Automatic and time).
Enable your mobile phone number and e-mail with your banking transaction for timely SMS and e-mail alerts. Monitor your bank statements, balances, and credit reports by keeping track of all the messages and notifications that you receive from your bank or wallet providers.
For any overseas job offer, confirm the identity and contact details of the company first. Remember, nothing comes for free — so attractive offers/commissions might be too good to be true!
Record the unique 15 digits IMEI number. In case Mobile phone is stolen/ lost, this IMEI number is required for registering complaint at Police Station and may help in tracking your mobile phone through service provider. Type *#06# to get the IMEI.
In case your mobile is lost or stolen contact service provider immediately to block the SIM card.
Avoid posting the future plans and activities which you are going to do in networking sites.
Never share your password with anyone, including your best friend. The only people who should know your password are your parents and guardian.
Do not open e-mails, suspicious attachments or click link received from unknown persons. This may lead to unauthorized access of your device by cyber criminals.
Beware of unsolicited Emails/SMS/MMS/ phone calls that promise you money, jobs or prizes or ask for donations , confidential information, propose lucrative business deals.
Do not use the same password for everything. Try to use different passwords for different websites and computers. Avoid writing your password anywhere.
Do not purchase used mobile handset without verifying the authenticity of the seller and purchase invoice.
Do not use mobile phone for obscene/pornographic images, videos or SMS and MMS.
Do not circulate obscene images / videos through social media such as facebook, whatsapp, Instagram etc.
Do not enable auto fill in web browsers.
During repairs, do not leave the smart phone unattended to deny the possibility of installation of malware.
Do not provide information about yourself that will allow others to answer your security questions- such as when using “I forgot my password” feature.
Do not click advertisement shown in the social web pages.
You should never linked payment wallets to debit/credit cards or bank accounts.
Never disclosed ATM card/ Debit card/ Credit card details to any person via SMS, call or email. Bank officials will NEVER call you for such sensitive information at any point of time. Additionally, update your bank records whenever you change your contact numbers, address or email ID.
Don’t be deceived by lucrative gift offers/ charities from unknown Facebook friends who claims to be from foreign countries.
When making online payments, ensure the security of the URL. Only pay for items using a secure payment service. Always check for customer reviews and comments about seller.