Location :- The land of 4th MLP Battalion was acquired in the year 2005 and is situated at Sohpian village about 6 KM from Nongstoin having an area of 232.32 acres or 9, 401, 779.03 sq. mts. The boundary of the land is as follows :-
East -Land of Catholic Mission ;
West - Lum Porsohsat village;
North - Land of Smti . Kliti Musulman and Mawrusyiar
South - Nongstoin National Highway .
Strength of Main Power :- The battalion has gazetted officers sanctioned strength of 1 (one) Commandant, 3 (three) Dy. Commandants, 7 (seven) Asstt. Commandants, one post of doctor and nurse. Non gazetted ranks includes 7 (seven) Inspectors, 23 (twenty three) AB Sub-Inspectors, 18 (eighteen) Asstt. Sub-Inspectors, 160 (one hundred sixty) Havildars, 675 (six hundred seventy five) Constables and 69 (sixty nine) followers. The Ministerial Staff comprises 1 (one) Head Assistant, 2 (two) Upper Divisional Assistants, 3 (three) Lower Divisional Assistants and 1 (one) Steno. The total strength of the Battalion works out to about a thousand men of all ranks.
Development of the Bn. Complex :- Construction of number of new building have started which includes the Commandants Office, Q Branch, Gazetted Officers’ Quarters, Lower Subordinate Quarters, Armoury. More buildings are likely to be taken up in the next quarter. All new construction is undertaken by the Meghalaya Government Construction Corporation. The battalion is also taking up with other development departments like Irrigation Department, Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Department, Renewable Resources Energy, Forest Department, to take up projects in the complex so that the vast area gets developed. A proposal has also been submitted for setting up the Kendriya Vidhya] aya School within the compounds. This will ensure good schooling to children of all police personnel and also to the public staying around the Battalion Hqr. A tree plantation project was undertaken in collaboration with Social Forestry, Nongstoin on 5/6/08 to mark the World Environment Day. This project if successful will enrich the present barren hills.
Deployment of Force :- The personnel of the Bn. are posted in the districts of West Khasi Hills, East Garo Hills and South Garo Hills. A number of personnel numbering about 50 (fifty) are attached with Senior Officers at Shillong and at Police Hqrs. in the different branches. The Platoons are posted in militancy affected areas of the different districts.